* * Disclaimer * *

As my software is not really for sale, it is available as a gift to anyone who contributes and/or sends a letter asking for it. When it comes right down to it there is nothing new in anything I have written here, it is all just plain financial stuff written up in Perl, PHP or JavaScript to run on any Linux, Unix or Windows based HTTP server. After pledging to send any contribution, I will automatically e-mail you the Perl source code and you are free to modify it to your heart's content. I can be contacted by e-mail for assistance, but this software is being distributed as is, without any warranty or guarantee that it will work on your system. Please, no phone calls! Your voice mail message is much more likely to be left unanswered than an e-mail message (though I must admit it is even hard to answer all of those!)

Please also note that the answering of questions about mortgage calculators is very low on my priority list (i.e. I am usually not getting paid for this!) But I am available for hire on a limited scale (hint, hint).

This work is not owned or produced under any auspices of Washington University in St. Louis. The author should be contacted with any correspondence.

Hugh Chou, 2017, huchou@gmail.com